Natural Bioidentical Hormones
Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy - are you looking for more information?Using a natural bioidentical hormone is the best option for women experiencing health effects of early premenopause or menopause without the harmful side effects. Natural bioidentical hormone replacement therapy can alleviate estrogen excess in the system and restore your body's balance.
Women in industrialized countries begin having problems ovulating in their early 30's, which means that their corpus lutheum does not form. When this occurs, women begin to produce less progesterone, creating an imbalance between her two primary hormones - estrogen and progesterone.
When ovulation does not occur, menstrual periods continue as usual - but progesterone levels begin to decline in the body.
This decrease happens because the ovulation event would otherwise cause the release of progesterone into the bloodstream.
So these lower levels of progesterone now no longer "balance" the body's continuing levels of estrogen... and the resulting condition is called "hormone imbalance" resulting in the appearance of the early symptoms of menopause.
Remarkably, doctors routinely use a synthetic hormone replacement therapy to UNECESSARILY add additional estrogen to a patient's treatment. Clearly, the basic biology of ovulation says this is INCORRECT when the problem can be that the body has lost the ability it once had to produce progesterone.
What women SHOULD BE using is PROGESTERONE - a natural bioidentical hormone and natural bioidentical hormone replacement therapy, since it is PROGESTERONE levels that are declining in the body with continuous missed ovulations, after menopause or after a hysterectomy - this basic and crucial hormone should be replaced through supplementation of the natural form.
Natural bioidentical hormones means that it is the same as what the body naturally makes. This means higher effectiveness without side effects when used correctly in dosages similar to the body's normal production.
Synthetic hormones are not natural to the body - they are different from the natural hormones so they can be patented and sold by the drug companies.
Women experiencing hormone imbalance and symptoms of premenopause should use: • 1- natural progesterone cream, • 2- take a good quality daily vitamins/supplement, • 3- take fish oil omega-3 supplements, • 4- avoid excessive alcohol intake, • 5- reduce stress, • 6- eliminate cigarette smoking • 7- and reduce exposure to pollutants and chemicals by using natural cleaning products to improve health.
I've been looking into the benefits of bioidentical hormones. It's actually so fascinating to hear about natural hormone therapy. My brother is looking to alleviate of symptoms with this kind of therapy.