Endometriosis Pain
The pain associated with inflammation of the lining of the uterus is the symptom of the most difficult to cope with the most women. For many, they are suffering from severe pain that interferes with every day life. Can be constant or it can be periodic and coincides with a woman period.What is causing your pain?
In addition to pain during menstruation, and pain can be endometriosis occur at other times of the month, or from natural causes or other chemicals. Can not be a pain with ovulation, the pain associated with adhesions, pain caused by inflammation of the pelvis, pain during bowel movements, urinating, and physical exercise during any movement, and pain from running, and a great disaster, with the pain of intercourse. But the most desperate pain of menstruation, usually with awe and there are several women at intervals.
Emotional pain
There is also the addition of mental anguish and emotional distress caused by this disease and the emotional pain that many people do not take the pain of women inflammation of the lining of the uterus seriously. The problem is that it is not visible. No one can physically see what is wrong with you. Abroad, you look perfectly normal. All of these things simply building layer after layer of distress and misery. This is the reality of perhaps millions of women all over the world today. After more than a modern society and views on the idea of women's pelvic pain as usual. Naturally! That would be an insult as saying that asthma is normal in children.
Unusual or suspicious pain!
The fact that society in general views pelvic pain as a natural that women themselves also believe that pain is normal. This is why it takes so long for some women to realize that there is something wrong in fact. Then can we begin to discuss and compare and menstrual pain with other women and gradually they realize how much pain they feel is not normal.
Even if you are a woman reading this with the doubts that you may have inflammation of the lining of the uterus because of the amount of pain experienced with your periods, you would do well to get this checked out.
Site pain
Nearly all women with endometriosis experience pain that in the pelvic area. Severe pain is often caused by cramping that occurs on both sides of the basin, and radiates in the lower back and even in the rectum and lower legs.
Sometimes the pain may also occur in other regions. Implants can also occur in the bladder (although rare) and cause pain and even bleeding during urination. Lining of the uterus can invade the intestine and cause painful bowel movements or diarrhea. Large cysts can cause pain and disruption is very severe at any time in various locations.
The severity of the pain also varies widely and is unrelated to the extent of the disease. Women can be planted very small or few, and have severe pain, while those with inflammation of the lining of the uterus and large may be trademarks very few, and not suffer much pain. There is no logic in how severe pain from inflammation of the lining of the uterus will be, but on the whole this disease causes a lot of pain for most women.
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