Adenomyosis Pregnancy
Back in early June of this year, I had my yearly gyno exam. I was slightly worried as over the last several months I noted that my periods were getting progressively heavy. My doctor sent me for an ultrasound as she felt as though my uterus might be slightly enlargedEnlarged adenoidsEnlarged prostate.
I went and had the ultrasound and the technician found a large polyp, a diffusely thickened endometrium and a very slightly enlargedEnlarged adenoids
Enlarged prostate uterus. Oh, and one benignBenign ear cyst or tumor
Benign positional vertigo cyst.
My gyn told me I needed to get the polyp removed and also needed to get a D&C. On the day of surgery, my gyn sat down and told me that she thought I may be dealing with adenomyosis. Up until this point, I have to say I had not experienced any discomfort or pain. Again, the only thing I was dealing with were progressively heavy periods. I started to panicPanic disorder
Panic disorder with agoraphobia as she was throwing around words like incurable and hysterectomyHysterectomy
Hysterectomy series... all of this immediately prior to surgery.
I had the surgery in mid-July and have not been the same since. I have a constant dull pain in the middle of my pelvicKegel exercises
Pelvic adhesions
Pelvic inflammatory disease (pid)
Pelvic laparoscopy
Prostatitis nonbacterial
Uterine prolapse area, weird urinary issues, pressure, some spotting, brown discharge, what feels like pressure on my tailbone. I've also been dealing with lots of anxiety over the concern of having chronic pain and having to get a hysterectomy to ever feel like myself again.
Also, I went to see a second doctor who sent me for a follow up ultrasound (after the surgeries in August) and my uterus was not enlarged whatsoever and my endometrium was 6mm. Correct me if I'm wrong, but once a uterus is enlarged by adenomyosis, can it shrink back to normal size? My original gyn told me no.
a. Is it really possible for adenomyosis to progress to no discomfort to chronic discomfort in a matter of 5-6 weeks? I find it highly unlikely, however this is basically what I have experienced.
b. Would pregnancy provide any relief to adenomyosis symptoms? I ask because I am 7 weeks pregnant and I have not witnessed any relief to my symptoms whatsoever.
A couple of thoughts--It is very good that you had the polyp removed--those need to be taken out and biopsied to rule out problems. It also probably permitted the conception, or at least will not cause you problems like a miscarriage, etc.
Adenomyosis is a "pathologic diagnosis" in other words, it can't be diagnosed for certain without removing the uterus--we can only guess that it might be there before surgery, and we usually guess that when we can't find anything else to blame the problems on. It is a variant of endometriosis, and is not cancerous.
I was not there for the discussion that you had with your first doctor, but I would not recommend that you stay with that person, as it sounds like the two of you were on very different wavelengths. Make sure you thoroughly trust your doctor!
Your ultrasound findings could be consistent, as "slightly enlarged" by one tech could be "normal" by another tech. The endometrium should be normal after a D&C, which basically scrapes off the excess tissue.
Finally, there are lots and lots of options for treating heavy periods/bleeding, eg. endometrial ablation, so make sure that all of those have been discussed with you to your satisfaction before you agree to a hysterectomy. Also, make sure you have all the children you want!
As for your new symptoms it is impossible to say at this point whether that is pregnancy-related, or not--only time will tell.
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