Amazing weight loss
One of dieting more intimate, health, and stories of weight loss that has been ongoing since January January 2006 is the effort by the half-ton man's Manuel Uribe, aka "The heaviest man in the world", losing nearly 1, 000 pounds and save his life. Manuel Uribe Garza (born June 11, 1965) is a man from Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico, and was one of the strongest people in the medical history. After reaching a peak of weight around 597 kg (1,316 lbs) and they could not leave his bed since 2001, lost much weight, Uribe, with the help of doctors and nutrition experts, following the diet of the region.Uribe drew worldwide attention when he appeared on the Televisa television network in January 2006, but the company rejected offers of a gastric bypass operation in Colombia in Italy. In March 2007, Uribe has set a goal to reduce the weight to 120 kg (265 lb). Has also appeared on the "heaviest man in the world", a film and television documentary about his life bedridden, trying to lose weight. By the end of 2008, Uribe has reduced his weight to 360 kg (800 pounds). His weight loss efforts continue to this day.
This is an amazing weight loss success story of the 630 pounds the previous man named David Smith. In 2003, David weighted more than 600 pounds, and decided to change his life except through the exercise of cycling and carbohydrates. After 4 years, and said it was likely an amazing 229 pounds, and the loss of 401 £, but still excess skin in his body. Underwent several surgical operations to remove excess skin, and since then, and it seems just like any other man, and became a personal trainer certified through ACE.
Rosalie Bradford (1943 - 2006) holds the Guinness world record for weight lost more than a woman. In 1987, binge for a long time eater and weighed an astonishing 1,199 pounds, after having spent 8 years in the mobile bed. After the intervention of friends and weight loss teacher Richard Simmons started doing it the best possible (they could only clap her hands to Simmons' videos in the beginning) and surprisingly eventually slimmed down to about 200 £
Sadly enough, in one of the five meetings of the surgery to remove excess skin during her weight loss, and had some complications that caused her death at a later date. Died on November 29, 2006 in a hospital in the Lake at the age of 63. Rosalie Bradford, after his death continues to hold the world record for weight after losing more than others.
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