Sunday, October 18, 2009

Bladder Endometriosis

Bladder Endometriosis
Lining of the uterus and bladder, and if left unmanaged, can lead to more serious urinary problems in the future. This disease, which affects more than 1.5 million people in the United States and Canada, and gynecology is a disease that affects only women in the years of fertility. A woman from the lining of the uterus and bladder cells of the lining of the uterus, the medical term for the cells of the uterus, and placed in his bladder.
Indicators that you have inflammation of the lining of the bladder
Some patients who suffer from symptoms of inflammation of the lining of the uterus and the bladder, the first few years. They will not realize that they have this disease when it is already in a serious stage, and appears more severe symptoms.
The most common complaint for women who have such a disease is a pain in the abdomen or pelvis. The degree of pain can be mild or severe or severe.
Usually, you will ache and pain in the bladder to be more intense during the period of your menstrual cycle. There are a lot of women suffer from inflammation of the lining of the uterus in silence because they feel that pain is the pain only the normal pre-menstrual syndrome.
However, if you feel pain hinders your activities, nature trails, such as going to work or school, you must visit the doctor and get checked more than yourself.
Keep reading for more information about these conditions and to subscribe to the newsletter below, which coats the lining of the uterus in detail the signs and symptoms in addition to the natural treatment options that provide effective pain relief.
Women with endometriosis also experience the various bladder disorders, cancer. Misplaced because the cells grow in the bladder should not be there, it is common to feel burning sensation when peeing. In some cases, you can also find pus or blood in the urine.
Since the cause of your problems are urinary cells lining the uterus in the bladder, ie, the amount of antibiotics, cure or mitigation of symptoms. Remember, antibiotics are used only for bacterial infection. Since your problem is due to cells that have gone astray, of antibacterial drugs will do little to help remedy the situation.
In some cases, women who suffer from this chronic conditon also experience the urge to urinate a lot. Considerable number of women find it difficult to leave their homes because of the need to urinate often, and it can lead to sleep disorders as well.
If the lining of the uterus and bladder left unmanaged, it could lead to blockage of the urinary tract or urinary incontinence, which is a condition where you will not be able to control the bladder or functions.
Diagnosis of inflammation of the lining of the bladder
The presence of the symptoms listed above does not guarantee that what you have is the lining of the uterus of the bladder. Patients who suffer from interstitial cystitis (IC), also known as painful bladder syndrome, and many complain of the same symptoms.
However, if you feel the symptoms listed above, you are the man who is not subject to any hormone therapy or treatment, and then you can exclude the lining of the uterus and bladder do not have the uterus, and thus cells lining the uterus will be out of place in your bladder.
To help determine whether you suffer from interstitial cystitis or bladder lining of the uterus, you need to be at the level of potassium in the urine test. People who suffer from C and usually have high levels of potassium.
If you want to know for sure if you have inflammation of the lining of the uterus and bladder, you will need to undergo a cystoscopy, which a doctor will insert a cystoscope into your urethra. This device will not only help the bladder, see your doctor, but taking tissue samples to test as well. This is the best way to make an accurate diagnosis of the lining of the uterus of the bladder.

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