Stem Cell Treatments
Tiantan Puhua hospital uses the newest neurological approaches to provide effective and safe stem cell treatments to a wide range of neurological disorders. We Use the latest knowledge of stem cells behavior in the human body within an individually tailored medical plan according to the patient's condition. Using stem cell transplantation, intensive physiotherapy and medicines, this combination of therapies has so far proved itself to be most efficient in bringing high level of recovery to our patients.What are stem cells?
Stem cells are the master cells of the human body. What define stem cells from other cells is their ability to self-generate themselves and the ability to differentiate into other cell types.
Stem cells are at the center of a new field of science called regenerative medicine. All stem cells, regardless of their source, have three general properties: they are capable of dividing and renewing themselves for long periods; they are unspecialized; and they can give rise to specialized cell types.
Self-regeneration is the ability of stem cells to divide and produce more stem cells. During early development, the cell division is symmetrical i.e. each cell divides to gives rise to daughter cells each with the same potential. Later in development, the cell divides asymmetrically with one of the daughter cells produced also a stem cell and the other a more differentiated cell (such as brain cell, blood cell, etc.)
When stem cells are being transplanted into the body and arrive (through migration or through direct injection) into the injured part of the brain being targeted for tissue regeneration, the stem cells are coming into contact with growth chemicals in the body. These chemicals program the stem cells to grow into the tissue surrounding it.
Stem cells can typically be broken into four types:
Embryonic stem cells - Stem cells taken from human embryos
Fetal stem cells- Stem cells taken from aborted fetal tissue
Umbilical stem cells - Stem cells taken from umbilical cords
Adult stem cells - Stem cells taken from adult tissue
The Type of stem cells we use
At Tiantan Puhua hospital 3 main types of stem cells are being used:
Neural Stem Cells (derived from fetal stem cells) used for: Cerebral Palsy, Brain Injury, Stroke, Degenerative Diseases, and other neurological disorders.
hRPE Stem Cells (Adult Retinal Stem Cells) Used for: Parkinson's Disease
Bone Marrow Stem cells (Adult Bone Marrow stem cells extracted from the patient's own bone marrow) Recommended for young patients with a weak immune system.
What are Neural Stem Cells?
Neural Stem cells are self-regenerating, multipotent cells, found in the human brain which have the potential to differentiate into three major cell types: nerve cells (neurons), astrocytes and oligodendrocytes, and to self renew sufficiently to provide adequate number of cells in the brain.
When brain cells are damaged or are dying, due to a disease or an injury, fetal stem cells are the best known source for human neural stem cells.
Since most brain injuries, stroke, degenerative diseases and Demyelinating disorders affect several areas in the brain and not only one, the most effective and safe procedure to deliver neural stem cell into the brain is via a Lumbar Puncture (also called Spinal Tap): a spinal injection in the lumbar area (lower back) into the CSF (Cerebral Spinal Fluid).
Lumbar Puncture
During a lumbar puncture, a needle is carefully inserted into the spinal canal low in the back. A small amount of CSF is collected, then mixed with the stem cell fluid and injected back into the CSF.
The CSF circulation (Cerebral Spinal Fluid) goes in and around the brain, separated from the blood circulation by the Blood Brain Barrier. One cycle of the CSF circulation takes between 6-7 hours. Within this time frame the stem cells will flow through the CSF into the brain.
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