Rosacea Treatment
The best advice for anyone who thinks that he or she may have rosacea is to see a dermatologist as soon as possible. Early diagnosis and treatment can control the signs and symptoms of rosacea so that rosacea is usually not visible or uncomfortable. Early treatment also may stop rosacea from progressing.Allowed to progress, rosacea can be more difficult to treat. By the time the woman shown in the photograph on the left saw a dermatologist, her rosacea had been progressing for 11 years. In the beginning, her only sign of rosacea was flushing, which happened when she drank a hot beverage or experienced a temperature change.
How Dermatologists Treat Rosacea
To treat rosacea, a dermatologist first identifies the subtype or subtypes of rosacea that are present on the patient’s skin. This diagnosis is crucial because each subtype has its own unique signs and symptoms, which often require different therapies. The following links provide information about the different treatments used for each rosacea subtype:
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