Saturday, September 19, 2009

16 Ways to Improve a Woman’s Health

16 Ways to Improve a Woman’s Health
Each of these 16 ways to improve a woman’s health will prevent disease and increase longevity. These health tips are from Dr Leesa A. Kaufman, MD, an OBGYN at Good Samaritan Hospital in Dayton, Ohio.
Before the health tips, a quip from a naturopathic doctor:
Half the costs of illness are wasted on conditions that could be prevented,” says Dr Joseph Pizzorno, ND, in Total Wellness.
So much time, money, and energy is wasted on illnesses that could be prevented! Don’t get me wrong – I’m not saying every disease is preventable – but we women could be a lot healthier if we followed a few simple health tips. Click on Total Wellness for natural ways to prevent disease, and read on for Dr Kaufman’s 16 ways to improve a woman’s health….
16 Ways to Improve a Woman’s Health
Improving Women’s Health at Age 30+
1. Stress less. Once you enter your 30s, you may be juggling the stress of small children, career and aging parents. Learning to de-stress can be as easy as learning how to breathe deeply or learn a technique called alternate nose breathing, which helps to slow your heart rate and blood pressure. For help relaxing, read Stress Busters — Unusual Ways to Relax.
2. Watch your birth control. Thirty year olds need to be aware of birth control risks. For example, if you smoke, you should not be using birth control pills. Also, be aware of the STD Chlamydia, whose only symptoms may be bleeding after intercourse.
3. Get enough calcium. Optimal bone mass is obtained by age 30; make sure you are getting 1200mg of calcium and at least 800IU of vitamin in your diet. Of the 28 million people who have osteoporosis, 80 percent are women. This women’s health tip involves planning now for a healthy future!
4. Eat cancer fighting foods. Make sure you start a healthy diet that includes cancer fighting foods such as spinach, carrots, mushrooms, tomatoes, and selenium rich foods such as sunflower seeds and Brazil nuts.
5. Take care of your skin. Skin begins to dull and fine wrinkles begin in the 30s because new skin cells don’t form as quickly. This women’s health tip for disease prevention involves using mild cleansers and moisturizers – and watching your sun exposure. For more skin tips, read 10 Tips for Keeping Your Skin Healthy and Clear.
Improving Women’s Health at Age 40+
6. Read food labels. Metabolism begins to slow in your 40s, and reading labels is important. Note that every four grams of carbohydrates is equal to one teaspoon of sugar, and one 20-ounce bottle of soda will give you 17 teaspoons of sugar. More than 60 physical ailments have been associated with excess sugar intake!
7. Examine the potential cancer spots. Learn how to do self breast exams as you are the one who may notice a change in your breast first. Annual mammograms are recommended beginning at age 40. Your risk of developing breast cancer at 40 is 1/217 women.
8. Watch your skin. After years of playing in the sun, now is the time to be aware of moles and watch for changes like asymmetrical shapes, changes in the border, changes in color and increase in diameter. This women’s health tip involves always wearing at least SPF 15 sunscreen – on a daily basis!
9. Stretch your muscles. Flexibility begins to decrease as your joint fluids begin to reduce. Develop a stretching routine and learn some simple yoga poses to do in the morning and at night.
10. Take care of your menstrual cycle. As women approach midlife, menstrual cycles may begin to change. They may be shorter or longer or a change in bleeding profile. This women’s health tip involves a healthy diet and moderate exercise, which will help control these changes.
Improving Women’s Health at Age 50+
11. Keep your brain healthy. As you age, so does your risk for Alzheimer’s or dementia. This women’s health tip for disease prevention involves challenging your mind on a daily basis, such as with crossword puzzles or other mind exercises. For more brain tips, read 10 Brain Fitness Tips to Reduce Memory Loss.
12. Practice your Kegels. Urinary leakage is an unpleasant reality for many women in their 50s. This women’s health tip for disease prevention involves practicing Kegal exercises to strengthen pelvic floor muscles and increase holding power.
13. Take care of your eyes. Macular degeneration occurs more after age 55 and long-term exposure to ultra violet light increases this risk. Wear sunglasses with UV coating which will block 98 percent of UV light waves.
14. Don’t mix medications with alcohol. Maybe that glass or two of wine or alcoholic beverage helps you relax, but you need to know that more than 150 medications are affected by alcohol.
15. Get enough sleep. Insomnia is a common menopausal complaint. Helpful sleep tips include placing several drops of lavender oil on a cotton ball and placing it inside your pillow case. If calming lavender doesn’t work, there is good research on the use of melatonin 3-4mg as a natural sleep aid. For more sleep tips, read Tips for Sleeping Better and Snoring Less.
16. Keep your heart healthy. Heart disease is the number one killer of women. Be aware of the symptoms, which vary from men and include fatigue, sleep disturbances, nausea, neck pain and shortness of breath.

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