Natural Diabetes Treatment
Natural methods of treatment are also known as Naturopathy. It is the system of healing in which diseases are cured by means of natural remedies such as light, water, air, heat, exercise, diet and other physiological measures. According to the father of medicine “Hippocrates” it has been said that the “Nature cures; but not the physicians.” Naturopathy is known by different names such as Nature Cure, the natural methods, the new science of healing etc. Healing by natural method is seen since many years near about back over two thousand years. Naturopathy makes use of a new life style with corrective habits such as exercise and a good diet. During healing by natural methods, the fundamental healing force is considered to be nature itself, that is the power of the individual to defeat disease. Healing by natural method is chiefly drugless and blood less. Naturopathy helps to prevent many common diseases such as diabetes, headache, the common cold, hypertension, peptic ulcers, and many other diseases associated with ageing.There are various types of natural methods, which are as follow: - (Normally the natural method aims at educating people about adopting the type lifestyle which promotes good health).
(1) Treatment based on Nutrition and Diet:
The dietician decides a menu for healthy diet for diabetic patients.
Read About:
* Foods That Control Diabetes
* Diabetes Food Pyramid
* Foods to Avoid
* Meal Planning Exchange
* Alkaline Foods
* Antioxidant Foods
* Potassium Rich Foods
* Dietary Fibres
(2) Hydrotherapy
In this natural method of treating diabetes, the water is used. It is one of the oldest therapeutic methods for managing physical dysfunctions. The solvent property of water and its ability to absorb and conduct heat shows a beneficial effect on the human body. Studies have shown that regular uses of hydrotherapy provide lots of benefits for people suffering from Type –2 Diabetes mellitus. It provides better and improved sleep, reduces blood sugar level in the body and boasts the moral and well being of diabetic patient. It also provides support to individuals who find exercise difficult. It is a sort of new hope to the millions of people who suffer from diabetes. It is also known as “hot tub therapy”. Hence, Hydrotherapy is performed in water tanks (hot tubs) of varying sizes and shapes. Usually extremities are treated in these tanks.
Dr. Philip L. Hooper at the McKee Medical Center in Loveland, Colorado studied a group of Type-2 Diabetes patients for three weeks. The patients were told to soak in hot tub for thirty minutes a day, six days a week, for the duration of the study. The results were surprising. The patient’s average blood sugar levels were reduced by an average of 13 percent. Even patient’s variable to reduce their daily dose of insulin. But thing must be noted, that the hot tub treatments should be included as regular therapy for patients with diabetes. Moreover, the diabetic patients should consult with their physicians before the start of hot tub treatment. Hence, hydrotherapy helps in tight control of blood glucose levels, which is the only defense against the many problems and side effects that come from diabetes. During hydrotherapy, the energy is transferred to or from the body by means of convection. The presence of water creates a good supportive medium for active range of motion exercises.
(3) Detoxification
It consists of the use of short periods of fasting or controlled diets and supplements to aid the natural process by which the body rids itself of toxic substances.
(4) Methods to control and reduce stress including exercise, relaxation techniques, modification of diet and the use of supplements particularly to support the adrenal gland.
(5) Mud Therapy:
Generally earth provides us with food, our main source of energy. During treatment by natural methods, person makes full use of element earth in the form mud or clay packs. Even mud baths are used for preventing and treating various diseases, by bringing out poisons from the body, for cooling the nervous system and for activating various organs of the body. In diabetes there is disturbance of the metabolic process of the entire body. When the digestive system, and endocrine glands do not work fully, the result is accumulation of impurities and toxemia in the body. Hence, improving elimination and removal of the toxins are very important. In such a condition Mud bath treatment is used. There are many ways of taking mud treatment. The most common way is to use moist clay, rather than ordinary mud. The clay should be of such a consistency that it could be plastered on the body. Sometimes, it is to be held onto the body by loose cloths wrapping. The clay, in winter should be sufficiently warm to provide comfort.
Another method of mud therapy is to allow the person to lie in a special tub, covered up to the chin in mud as thick as soft pulp. The mud is though to contain alkaline elements. These elements stimulate the skin the circulation in the under the skin. In such case, skin cannot absorb minerals in the mud but the good effects are due to skin stimulation. Another material used for mud bath is collected from volcanic regions. It is available in market mainly in dry form. It is heated and moistened before use till it becomes of thick paste like consistency. The paste is thickly applied to the parts of the body, which need treatment. The patient is then wrapped in towels or sheets and is allowed to remain that mud envelop for about 30 to 90 minutes. The mud is then washed off with a shower and the skin is rapidly dried. In the absence of this mud, ordinary white clay may also be applied. Care should be taken to prevent catching a chill during the bath. Another alternative way of mud bath can be, as a person can had it with the earth taken from a place which has been exposed to direct sunlight and open air and which has been getting good water and where no artificial fertilizers have been used. From such a place earth is taken from a depth of 50-60 cms. In this earth, same sand and water are mixed. Within about 18 hours that, mud becomes alive and is fit for diabetics. But the care must be taken that the earth should free from contamination and infection. Diabetics mainly benefits from the mudpacks applied on the abdomen. The effect of mud therapy is beneficial. It is because the cold moisture in the mud, relaxes the pores of the skin and draws the blood on to the surface, relievers inner congestion and promotes heat radiation and elimination of the morbid malter. Mud retains moistures and coolness much longer than a water pack or compress.
(6) Massage
Massage is a “hands-on” therapy in which muscles and other soft tissues of the body are manipulated to improve health and well-being. Generally, Massage is an excellent form of passive exercise. The word “Massage” is mainly derived from the Greek word “Massier”. The meaning of massier is to knead”. Massage is highly beneficial in the treatment of diabetes. Although, massage affects the body as a whole, but it particularly influences, the activity of the musculoskeltal, circulatory, lymphatic and nervous systems. It helps in relieving muscle tension, reduces stress and arises/develops the feelings of calmness. Varieties of massage range from gentle stroking and kneading of muscles and other soft tissues to deeper manual techniques. Massage has been practiced for treating diabetes and various other diseases, for centuries, in near about every culture around the world. Massage, if correctly done on the bare body, is highly stimulating. Massage also helps in elimination of poisons and waste material through the various eliminative organs, such as the lungs skin, kidneys and bowels. It also helps in improving blood circulation and various metabolic processes. There are lots of massage therapists nowadays and their numbers are growing rapidly. Alternative of medicines, massage therapy has come into the limelight. The use of massage therapy is made near about 4000 years back in Chinese medical literature. By the end of 19 th century, large number of massage therapy clinics was introduced.
(7) Herbal medicines
Herbal medicines using plants and their natural products were also used as natural method of treatment for diabtes.
Read About:
* Herbs For Diabetes
* Foods That Control Diabetes
(8) Chromotherapy
Chromotherapy is a natural method of treatment of various diseases, which make use of colour, to help the body and mind to find again their natural balance. Hence, we can say, it is a therapeutic method, which acts on the base of the unbalance. Every colour has got a spectrun with specific curative properties. By using the curative property of every single colour in an appropriate way, the person is able to region the harmony and order of the organism. The colour illuminations, therefore acts on the emotive states of mind and thus helps in physical well-being.
Chromotherapy works best as a supportive therapy as it used in combination with correct diet, adequate rest and relaxtion, exercises, etc. There are various colors used in chromotherapy such as –
(a) Blue: It is used especially for its calming properties. It helps to beat physical and mental agitation and is therefore being used to favour the sense of relaxed in people suffering from insomnia.
(b) Yellow: It provides “warm” energy. It increases enthusiasm and happiness. It also decreases the digestive problems and is capable of stimulating appetite.
(c) Red: It possesses the most important characteristics of penetration of the visible spectrum. It is being used for its anti-anaemic qualities.
(d) Green: It has got re-equilibrated forces. It is being used for people with alimentary problems.
(e) Violet: This colour stimulates the production of white blood cells, purifies the blood and increases concentration and spiritual capacities.
(f) Indigo: It purified the blood and helps to decrease muscular problems.
Chromotherapists generally believe that diabetes is caused by a deficiency of orange and yellow colours in the body. The method of treatment is that colour bottles are used. The bottles are properly cleansed and filled with fresh water. The bottles are corked and are placed in bright sunlight for three to four hours. After this exposure, the water develops the acquired medicinal properties and they are used for both internal and external applications. Lemon yellow is the colour of the pancreas. It is helpful in the treatment of diabetes. Green and orange are also used for treating diabetes. Green is nature’s colour. It activates pituitary gland which in turn stimulates the thyroid gland. It also helps in the elimination of the toxic matter. Green charged water is given to the diabetic patient on an empty stomach just before the meals. Orange colour breathing is also known to be beneficial in the treatment of diabetes. At least three times a day it should be performed.
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