Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Rosacea Skin Care

Rosacea Skin Care
I am 40 years old with Rosacea and combination skin. Finding a good moisturizer has been a nightmare! I have finally found a wonderful combination with the Pure Mineral Sunscreen and HydraLight Moisture Infusing Lotion. I use the sunscreen in the morning and the moisturizer in the evening along with my medications. My skin is so much softer and less red. Thank you for two great products!
From 12 yrs old until now at 39 years old, I have had cysts, acne, large pores, combo/oily skin, rosacea, and discoloration. All mild, but what a minefield to treat and to tolerate. I have tried Retin A, countless over-the-counter products, Dusa acne treatment ($300/treatment), expensive products endorsed by "Dr. Blah blah", IPL treatments, etc etc. My symptoms waxed and waned, but never ended. I came across Paula's Choice while researching a product on-line. I spent hours reading your reviews, and then ordered your line for normal/combo/oily skin. Two weeks and my acne cleared, my redness lessened noticeably, cysts never returned, and for the first time I could use a moisturizer without turning into an oil pit. Many people use the word "miracle" to describe the results from using your products, but what you are providing should be common. The difference is, you care, you are well researched, you put helping people above profit, and you are patient (research and publishing of your great ingredient review books). I have learned a great deal from your research, and I can't thank you enough for creating a smart line that works together. My skin looks great. And for the first time in my life, my boyfriend, family, and friends all noticed the improvement without my mentioning anything. Bravo. One last thing.... Reading your FAQs, in particular the responses to companies contesting your research without proofs or references, is a joy. You are firm, without being condescending; you are informative without being sales-y; your choice of words, presentation and thoroughness all reflect a great business person and human being. Thanks so much Paula.

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