yoga posture
Be kind to yourself when you practice yoga. Go slowly, especially in the beginning, and listen to your body. He knows what it can do. If he says "stop," stop. Do not push it. Yoga is not a competitive sport. You can not win points for matching a picture in a book (or on a Web site). If you are a very difficult, you probably will not enjoy it, which may hurt yourself. Whenever possible, work with teachers, and the use of books, videos and websites to supplement your classroom instruction. Most important of all, stick with it. If you practice, will improve. You will feel better. Jay Bhagwan.
The chart below describes some of the basic yoga positions. And can be performed in the sequence of the system. When you are familair with the positions, and try some vinyasas, or flow yoga, and listed for in the column to the right.
Classical positionsSit / plain Center - Sukhasana
The starting point that will help to focus awareness on breathing and body; help to strengthen the lower back, groin, open the hips.
Sitting cross-legged with his hands on his knees. Focus on your breathing. Keep your spine straight and push sit bones in the basement. Allow the knees gently lower. If the height above the knees, hips, and sit on a pillow or a cluster. This will help support your back and hips. 5-10 breathtaking, and very slow. On the next inhale, raise your arms above your head. Exhale and bring your arms slowly. Repeat 5-7 times.
Dogs and cats Increase the flexibility of the spine
This is in fact a two, one flowing from the other. Begins in the hands and knees. Keep your hands just in front of your shoulders, your legs hip, regardless of the display. As you inhale, tilt the tailbone and pelvis up, and let the downward curve of the spine, dropping the stomach low, and lift your head. Stretch gently. As you exhale, move into cat by reversing the curvature of the spine, which tends to the bottom of the basin, drawing in the spine, pulling up to his chest and stomach, where repeated several times, flowing smoothly from dog to cat, cat back to the dog.
Mountain - TadasanaImprove the situation, balance and self-awareness.
And deceptive, which in what seems so simple that some students may ask - "Why?" But just as there is more breathing than meets the eye, and there is more to stand as well.
Stand side by side with the feet and hands on both sides, eyes looking forward. Raise your toes, fan them open, then put it back on the ground. I feel your heel, outside of your foot and toes and ball of your foot in contact with the floor. Tilt your pubic bone slightly forward. Lift your chest up and out, but within reason - this is not the army and I was not standing at attention. Lift your head and lengthen the neck by lifting the base of your skull toward the ceiling. Pinkie stretches in each hand downward, then balance that movement by extending the index fingers. Israeli incursion into the floor with your feet and lift your legs, the first of the thighs and calves.
Breathing. Complexity of the situation, but try not to tense. Breathing. As you inhale, imagine the self coming through the floor, rising through the legs and trunk and even in your head. Reverse the process of breath, and breath control while passing the bottom of your head, through your chest, abdomen and legs and feet.
Hold for 5 to 10 breaths, relax and repeat.
On your next inhalation, raise your arms above his head (Urdhava Hastasana), and held several breaths. Lower your arms on the exhale.
In a warm-up, in an attempt coincided drop raising and lowering of your arms with your breath - raise, inhale;, exhale. Repeat 5 times.
Or extended forward Bend - Uttanasana II
Stretch the legs and spine, located in the heart and neck, relaxes mind and body
Begin standing straight up in the mountains constitute or Tadasana. Inhale and raise arms overhead. Exhale, bend at the hips, bring the arms forward and down until you touch the ground. It's okay to bend your knees, especially if you feel strong. They are either ankles or just leave your hands on the ground, and breathing several times. Repeat 3-5 times. On the last curve, which will hold the position for 5 or 10 breaths. Out of the pause, curl upward as if to withdraw yourself up one vertebrae at a time, stacking one over the other, leaving the head hanging until the last.
Differences1. Follow the instructions to form the above-mentioned core, but instead of a contract for a few breaths, come on inhale. Extend your arms forward as you rise up and stand straight and your arms and public expenditures. Exhale and bend forward. Repeat the process 5 times.
2. Go to the form and take a deep breath 3. Inhale and lift your head, but keep your hands on the ground. Connect each index finger around each big toe, exhale and come down. Held several breaths
3. Inhale and lift your head, again keeping your hands on the ground. This time, slide your hands under your feet so that the tips of your toes and touching the heel of your hands. Held several breaths.
4. After bending forward, fold your arms and hang for as long as is comfortable. The very relaxing.
5. Out of the pause, curl upward as if to withdraw yourself up one vertebrae at a time, stacking one over the other, leaving the head hanging until the last.
Trikonasana - TriangleAnd extends the spine, and opens the trunk, and improves balance and concentration.
With the beginning of the 3-4 feet apart and feet parallel. Turn your left foot at an angle of 90 degrees to the left and right foot from 45 degrees to the inside. Inhale and raise arms so they're parallel with the floor. Exhale, turn your head to the left and look under the left arm towards your fingers outstretched. Make sure that your left knee in line with your left ankle. Take a deep breath, stretching out to the left, and tilt the left hip and down the upper right thigh. When I stretched as far as you can, and pivot your arms, leave your left hand reach down and come to rest against the inside of your calf, while your right arms points straight up. Turn and look up at your right hand. Breathe deeply for several breaths. Inhale and straighten up. Exhale, lower your arms. Put your hands on your hips and pivot on your heels, so your feet to face the front. Recurrence of the situation on the other side.
Warrior I, I - Virabhadrasana IIStrengthens the legs and arms, improves balance and concentration; builds confidence
Begins in the mountain pose with feet and hands together at the side. Step your feet 4-5 feet apart. Turn your right foot about 45 degrees to the left. Turn your left foot at an angle of 90 degrees to the left so that it is pointing straight out to the side. Slowly bend the left knee and thigh until it is parallel with the floor, but remain behind the knee, either directly or through your ankle. Raise your arms above his head. Then slowly lower them until the left arm pointing straight ahead and right arm pointing backwards. You have focus at a spot and breathing. 4 or 5, take a deep breath, lower your arms, bring your legs together. The opposite position.
Half Shoulderstand Ardha Sarvangasana
Promote the proper function of the thyroid gland, strengthens abdomen, stretches upper back, improves blood circulation, and induce relaxation
Perhaps you remember to do so when he was a child. Lie on your back and lift your legs in the air. Put your hands on your lower back for support, resting on the elbows and lower arms on the ground. Make sure your weight on your shoulders to mid-upper back - not your neck. Breathe deeply and continue to position for a period of not less than breathtaking 5-10, and the increasing complexity with the passage of time. To come down slowly lower your legs, keeping them very straight - a little workout abdominal muscles.