Yoga For Runners
While there is a mile and a medium-range, and your foot will strike the ground 1,000 times. The power of each of them on foot about three to four times your weight. It is not surprising, then, to listen to the runners complain of bad backs and knees, tight hamstrings, and sore feet.Pain most runners feel is not working in itself, but the imbalances that running causes and aggravation. If you bring the body into balance through the practice of yoga, you can run long and hard for years to come. Although yoga and running are located on opposite sides of the spectrum exercise, and they do not need to be mutually exclusive. In fact, respectively, and yoga to have a good marriage of strength and flexibility.
Runners who stick with the operation are likely structurally balanced individuals who can handle the pressure of the test material with a minimum of comfort. However, many of the runners do not escape from the imbalances that are running enter. In many cases, they suffer from chronic pain, and suffering from injury.
A typical runner experiences of many of the bombing, and tightening, shortening of muscles and not enough restorative, and elongating, and loosening of work. Without opposition movements, will make up the body to avoid injury by working on the instability. Compensation puts stress on muscles and joints, and skeletal system as a whole.
If you are in a state of disequilibrium, every step you take forces the muscles to work harder in compensation. Access to tight muscles and strengthen weak muscles get weaker. Tight muscles and brittle, hard, and inflexible. Because muscle serves as a natural shock absorbers, and ideally should be soft, compliant, and flexible, giving some. Muscle fragile, on the other hand, causes the joints to rub and grind, making them vulnerable to tears.
Muscle stiffness caused by hostility always train in the sport "specific" way, perform certain actions over and over again and focus on the technology of Foreign Affairs. Repetition of the sports training or any specific results in the fitness structural adjustment out of shape, and the body is too tight.
Yoga centers inward focus your attention on body movements rather than focusing on the result of Foreign Affairs. Runners can be used to practice yoga to achieve a balance between strength and increase range of motion, and the training of body and mind. Modes move your body through the dimensions of gravity, while teaching you how to coordinate the breath with each movement of a hidden agenda. Result in the end is that the body, mind and soul and integrated in all actions. Consistent and regular basis through the adaptation of Asana, you can access, enhance, The Center calls on all the muscle groups of self, which supports the stability and the skeletal system. This can offset the effects of hostility and training in one-dimensional.
Body Wisdom
In addition to addressing physical strains of running, yoga teaches cultivation of body wisdom and confidence. You can also develop a deeper understanding of the body and how it works, you become able to listen and respond to messages the body sends you. This is particularly important in the operation, where the body produces a lot of endorphins. These "feel good" chemicals also dual nature as painkillers, which can mask the pain and the appearance of injury or illness. Intuition developed without the body, it is easy to ignore the body signals.
Awareness and translate into daily workouts as well. Did you know that through the practice of yoga that every day is unique, just like each run. Your energy levels fluctuate daily, even hourly, and therefore it is important to have a sense of the reserves. The calm that follows from the practice of yoga allows you to manage and save your energy. You can learn how to feel where you are on a given day and what resources must be given. Therefore, you do not pay the power of all mindlessly during the workout your body but to respect the restrictions.
You can, however, and to maximize the different levels of energy by focusing on the other hand nonkinetic yoga: relaxation. When you are able to achieve your body in a state of relaxation, you become more efficient in the use and maintenance of power. If you are in the muscles contracted state is narrow, and limited range of motion, chronic pain your body requires more energy for all activities, which included the run. Relaxation allows you to burn energy at a level more efficient. The increase in the strength and means a great deal of freedom of movement, and ultimately, more enjoyment of all your physical activities.
Tension is the athlete of the fall, and awareness of breathing is the key to reduce that. Aware of breathing exercises and pranayama, which was organized calm sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system and relax the whole body, can be of great benefit to runners.
I know that many runners VO2 Max improving aerobic capacity is vital to running and racing success. Second place with a high VO2 Max has the ability to pump large amounts of oxygen-rich blood in the muscles. Maximum oxygen consumption is the critical variable determining the physiological performance and endurance of athletes. Pranayama with Asanas and adapt, you can increase the size of your pump and the amount of comment from fresh blood through your body. And the practice of yoga can be fairly strong to increase the capacity of oxygen.
Prevention of Pain
Even more relaxed and focused runner can face the curse of injuries for all athletes. Damage to the runner's body is often the result of excessive, rather than collision or fall. All of this is due to you thinking in that balance, and balance, and alignment.
The body is the sum of its parts and weakness, and one affects them all. Once again, bad will affect the ankles, knees weak, as can not get rid align your hip. For example, Chen fragments are the result of the fault seems simple: the unequal distribution of weight, which begins with the way the feet strike the ground. Every time the foot hits the pavement is uneven, and torque profile travel to the station, causing the muscle pain and anger to the top and bottom of the leg known as the Shin shrapnel.
Knee pain, too, is related to other parts of the body. If the weak hips, ankles and not biased, which can put pressure on the ligaments in the front knees. Is designed to work like a train on the track, and thrown into the knee in the absence of balance is equivalent to a train derailed. A proposal for continued progress, and hip flexors shorten and tighten and can cause hyperextension of the lower back. This position consistently arched take the strain in the back, and may hinder the liquidity hamstring muscles as well.
What does this mean the feud with pain in his lower back? Painful heel condition? First of all, do not ignore the body signals. Take a break when your body needs one. When you learn to feel comfortable occasion. Secondly, the start of the integration of yoga positions in the warm up and cool down parts of the exercise. Think in the operation of the linear part of your workout and yoga as complementary to the circular.
There is no need to be sidelined because of injuries and discomfort resulting from the operation of your program. Chronic infections can ultimately self-correction through the gentle yet consistent practice of yoga. Remember, your body is on your side. And has the intelligence potential of creating a state of equilibrium no matter how many times your feet hit the pavement.
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