Upper Blepharoplasty is a relatively simple operation in which excess upper eyelid skin, which creates an unsightly fold, is removed under local Anaesthesia. The scar is well concealed in the natural skin crease and is not usually noticeable.Lower Blepharoplasty is the operation for correction of puffiness of lower eyelids. This is due to excess fat which can be removed either by a scar which is well concealed under the eyelashes or without any external scar if no excess skin needs to be removed. The procedure can be performed under local Anaesthesia or general Anaesthesia.
Every surgical operation carries certain risks, but in properly selected cases, the potential benefits far outweigh these risks.
Surgeon Dr Shahab Mahdi, who has successfully performed thousands of cosmetic surgery operations in England will discuss all aspects of your operation in a confidential consultation and give you a realistic idea of what to expect.
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